Friday, October 30, 2009


We now officially have teams now! Whoo! My team is The Ultimate Avengers. Oh yeah, awesome team name! Anyway, were just getting started with our team stuff now, like deciding on a topic to build our game around. Right now I'm a little short on ideas in that department, but I'll try to come up with a few. Today we worked on a team logo. I have to say ours looks pretty awesome. Soon it will be up on the wiki, along with our other super hero "collage". I cant wait for us to start making our game soon! Well thats all for now, back to waiting till the next B day. Till then, later gator! =P

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Yes! Finally! I have my bunny game up on wiki! Complete with score! And that I did all by myself! and the help of the wiki =P But today I am very happy with myself. This is something I've been working on for a little while now in addition with my own mini game. Still no luck with that, Warfield wasn't here today. Instead we got sub who didn't realize our work was making a game and not some worksheet or blah blah blah. Oh well, today was a success and that's all that matters! Hopefully next class I can get my other game up and running. Note I said hopefully =P Till then, later gator!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Sigh...flash is becoming very annoying...I did my drawing in flash and was all excited about getting it moving when...the code didnt work.. Thing is, I can't figure out why! I have everything put in right, everything named and where it should be, but it still wont work! I tried starting over again just to make sure I didnt miss a step and still nothing! Its really quite frustrating...I do not like flash... >=[

Friday, October 9, 2009


Whoo! I have mastered bunny movement! Well, kinda =P My bunny moves now, thanks to the help of my class mate Jessica and her code. Appearently the wiki code doesnt work. Thank you wiki for trying to confuse the snot out of me, mission accomplished! Well now my bunny moves and also the carrot restarts on the other side when it hits the bunny. I still have some work to do, like with the wolf, pizza, and mushrooms but I feel like today has been a success. Again, thanks Jessica for all your help. Until next time, later gator

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mini Game

Well I missed a couple days of class due to illness. No not swine flu, promise! Anyway, so needless to say, I'm a little behind. But last class I worked on starting my game using the wiki tutorial, and some help from teacher. I wanted to do as much by myself though as I could. You know, learn though trial and error. So far so....ok =P I have been able to get the carrot to move across my screen but having problems with my bunny. He just doesn't seem to want to move! I've used the code on the wiki, as well as the one my teacher gave me and still no luck. If anyone has any tips they would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully by the next time I blog I will be able to say that I have mastered the art of bunny movement =P Until then, later gator!