Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"The Cost of Life"

Ok this is my second blog and I'm going to talk about one of the games I found one our wiki's "playing to learn" section. As you might have guessed from the title, probably not, but anyway, the game I'm talking about is "The Cost of Life" The game is under the "Life Simulation" if you want to check it out. And if you do and you some how manage to win, or pass the game without most of your people dying, then please leave a comment on my blog telling me so! I got so annoyed with this game! I could not get through a couple years on the game without one or more of my people dying or all of them being sick! But because of this, it really made me think how hard life must be for these people. I encourage people to go check this game out, I found it pretty addicting, but maybe thats because I kept losing and wanted to prove I could do better, but whatever the reason, I was definitely playing the game a lot. So leave a comment on what you thought and tell me if you think its impossibly hard as I did.


Faux said...

o.o I see you. ^.^ giggles What's up? Way to write your frustration. Keep up the good work, and I hope you beat that game!